Anytime there is an imbalance within your body, compensation occurs. In the muscle world compensation often means pain ie. Headaches

How do muscle imbalances cause headaches?

When one tissue becomes shortened or “tight” its opposing muscle compensates by becoming lengthened. This lengthening creates something called Triggerpoints within those muscles. These trigger points can cause a predictable pain referral pattern aka Headaches.

Understanding the posture patterns

The most common type of posture which creates headaches is a Hyperkyphotic posture. Within our spines are natural curvatures, when Hyperkyphosis posture is present there is an exaggerated curvature of the top of the spine. The shoulders appear to be rounded forward, as well the neck is held in a more forward stance. The degree of hyperkyphosis ranges from moderate to severe and more often than not you may not realize you’re developing it.

Common causes of such posture are work related (sitting at a computer, bending over a desk to mark papers etc), not standing up straight, or daily stresses.

This posture creates your chest and neck tissues to tighten, and your back tissues to lengthen. Trigger points than develop in these muscles, sending pain referrals to various areas in your head/neck area. Fortunately, there is a preventable and easy fix.

What you can do to reduce your headaches and improve your posture

By stretching your chest and the front of your neck you can return these tissues back to their normal state and reduce these trigger point pains. Warm up your body, either by self massage, after a shower or exercise as stretching a cold muscle may cause minor tearing. Make sure your area around you is uncluttered and you’re wearing comfortable clothing. There should be no pain when performing these stretches and stop immediately if you do experience any.

Stretch #1

Start by facing a wall, raise your arm to the wall above shoulder height. Slowly turn away from the wall. Once you feel you’re in a good stretch position with a stretch but no pain, stay here for a 30 seconds to a minute. You will feel the stretch along your chest/armpit area. Repeat on opposite shoulder.

Stretch #2

While sitting in a chair comfortably, slowly bring the back of your head to your back, while looking up towards the ceiling. You will feel a stretch within the front of your neck and should not experience any pain. Stay in a comfortable position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Use your arms to help bring your neck back to regular position. 

Repeat these exercises 3 times daily or every second day for best results.

You may feel a bit of soreness the day after stretching these tissues as your tissues are adjusting back to their regular positions. If you should feel any pain that is more than moderate discomfort, stop immediately and talk to your doctor or call any Massage Therapist as Angel hands for assistance.

Should you have any questions or need clarifying on anything, please don’t hesitate to check in with me, Megan Relkoff, RMT
Angel Hands at 604 558-1926

Happy stretching and best results to you!


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