Dealing with Disc Herniation?  Your back consists of stacked bones called vertebrae. There are discs between the vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and that allow the spine to bend. Each disc consists of a soft semi-fluid center (the nucleus) that is surrounded and held together by strong ligaments. The discs in your spine can…

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How many times have I heard from people in my personal circle and clients who have come to me say..”It’s too late to change, I am too old!”  Often times we attribute age to be a factor in our life changing and our health changing. We hear it from everywhere, Including sometimes primary care providers,…

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Your Pain Is An Opportunity

Thoughts From The Mat: Someone I have been working with who had experienced a terrible car accident shared something very special with me and I wanted to share with all of you. This is a man who was always so “Serious”, never smiled and friends and loved ones always commented on it, Why so serious”?…

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Hi – How was your Summer? To be honest, as much as I love the Summer in British Columbia under these “extraordinary” times we are in, I am happy that the Fall is HERE! Why you might ask? Using the natural rhythms of our beautiful seasons here,  attunes me the the natural world and to…

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Being a soccer play in my younger days and having many sports injuries, tears, ligament damage, fractures and soft tissue injuries I have had my fair share over the years. I learned through my own injuries and 20 years being in practice working on tens of thousands of patients. Now with that said, you have…

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  In the 1980’s, Sylvester Stallone became famous for Rambo, a movie character who was the ultimate warrior. Many men and young boys, including myself at the time, idolized Rambo.  I even had his posters on my wall as a kid thinking that’s who I want to be one day. But even Rambo has a…

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Trauma, the hidden wound

By Angel Hands Trauma Team What is trauma? Some people associate trauma straight to war veterans and firefighters. However, the word trauma refers to situations that are emotionally painful, and that can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, leaving them feeling powerless. Any situation that leaves someone feeling overpowered and alone can be traumatic. A…

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 By Mihael Mamychshvili, Reg. Master Shiatsu Therapist   I have been working with patients with chronic pain for 15 years and it never ceases to amaze me how people get used to their pain. Their pain becomes their proverbial security blanket because without, they feel like something essential is missing. Many patients come to me…

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Vulnerability A Key To Empowerment – By Mihael Mamychshvili, RST   In the last 20 years as a therapist, I have found that often it is a client’s fear of being vulnerable which hinders their healing process. A person’s inner beauty and individual uniqueness can be seen when vulnerability is shared between two humans. There…

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 Shiatsu Therapy and The Abdomen  (The Hara) What is the Hara?     Why in Shiatsu therapy does the therapist often start your treatment by feeling your abdominal region or focusing in that region? Ancient Asian cultures believe the shape of one’s Hara tells about the character and condition of a person. Yellow markings are reflex zones for the organs….

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