A strong Immune System will help you fight off all manner of diseases, colds and flu. Learn how to boost yours quickly, safely, and easily (read on).

It is absolutely vital that you have a strong immune system. Your body can do more than fight off colds, diseases, and infections. A healthy immune system can protect against tumor cells and virus-infected host cells. It is possible to boost your immune system and help your body’s defense mechanism.

Here are The Top 10 Immune Boosting Tips:

  1.  Laughter – Enjoying a bellyaching laugh! Positive emotions such as love and laughter have powerful impact on the body by boosting white blood cell activity.
  2.  Massage – Regular massage has been proven to boost the immune system and vitality. By relaxing tense muscles and releasing stress in the body it improves circulation, releases endorphins (body’s natural painkillers and feel good hormones) and increases productions of T cells. (T-cells are T lymphocytes thymus-dependent lymphocytes; those that pass through or are influenced by the thymus before migrating to tissues; they are responsible for cell-mediated immunity)
  3. Nutrition – Raw fruits and vegetables and adequate protein are required to fuel our immune systems.
  4. Avoiding “triggers” – Find out what your body is sensitive to; allergy and food sensitivity testing is recommended to find out what to avoid.
  5.  Sleep – When we sleep our bodies are in recovery and repair mode. Sleep improves your T cell count.
  6. Water – Drink lots of water. We have all heard it, but many don’t drink the recommended 6 – 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water keeps the germ trapping mucous membranes, in our nose, moist and effective. Drinking Green tea, Ginger or Roiboos (red) tea can be part of your recommended daily intake.
  7. Exercise – Regular exercise, even just walking several times weekly, benefits the immune system. Don’t overdo it – but do it.
  8.  Herbs and Vitamins – Are a good, effective and natural way to help the body boost its own immune system. Cold FX, Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea, Astralugus and Goldenseal are great herbs for boosting your immune system. Vitamin D, C, E and B’s help especially in our part of the world. (Please Consult your doctor before taking any of the above).
  9. Detoxification – We clean our closets, we clean our houses, we clean our cars, we clean ourselves externally but we neglect cleaning ourselves internally. Regular detoxification of the body (2 – 3 times a year) is essential. Try regiment of simple diet, saunas, dry brushing and herbal teas.
  10. Nature – Going to the forest “The Green Hospital” or spending time by the water has personally always helped me. The fresh air the sounds of nature are so beneficial to us psychologically and that in turn spurs many positive physiological effects. We always feel better after a hike in the forest or a walk by the sea. It calms the nervous system, increases intake of oxygen, and boosts our energy levels

Written by Mihael Mamychshvili RST – Owner Angel Hands Wellness

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