By Detlef Friede, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Canadian President of Hypnotherapy Association

The primary determinant of health for the average person is thought, feelings and emotions.  Not genetics, not exercise or nutrition…. it’s all within the MIND and SOUL. This has been shown over and over again by the scientific fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneurocardiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, not to mention cancer research and all the various psychosomatic disorders that have been studied.

If you still doubt that THOUGHT affects health, then let’s have a quick look at just two examples:

1) The oldest documented person that ever lived was a French woman named Jeane Calment who made it to 122 years, 164 days on this planet.

What was her secret? According to French researcher Jean-Marie Robine, “She never did anything special to stay in good health.”

According to the research outcome, she credited her longevity to laughing a lot and not getting stressed out. She is quoted as saying “If you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about it.” It probably didn’t hurt that her life circumstances — born into wealth and married wealth — enabled a life of ease and comfort; in other words, no mental stress. In my opinion, the most interesting portion is, that a woman that lived 122 years…has smoked cigarettes for over 100 years ….without any trace of sickness. Why didn’t smoking lead her to an early grave?

How about:  “Because thought is more important than lifestyle.”

2) The band members of the “Rolling Stones” as shown in this picture below (which is not photo shopped by the way)

I have been a professional musician for over 25 Years and witnessed their pathways……. let’s face it….. the “Stones” should be dead for over 30 Years, based on what they did to and with their bodies….

For instance, according to the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, “Extreme suppression of anger was the most commonly identified characteristic of 160 breast cancer patients.” (2)

In other research: “Extremely low anger scores have been noted in numerous studies of patients with cancer. Such low scores suggest suppression, repression, or restraint of anger. There is evidence to show that suppressed anger can be a precursor to the development of cancer, and also a factor in its progression after diagnosis.” (3)

Miracles in health and healing do happen at our AH clinic…… because we have the skills, knowledge and the “how to” ….technology

Happy THOUGHTS on this

in love and light

Detlef Friede (MCH) on well deserved vacation at this very moment

Your AH Mind Mechanic and facilitator of life, past life, life between lives and future life re- and progressions


1)   Retrieved April 28, 2014, from

2) Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Volume 19, Issue 2, April 1975, Pages 147–153

3)   Cancer Nurs. 2000 Oct;23(5):344-9.

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